Ausfire Protection supplies and installs fire blankets in a range of sizes for both domestic and commercial use.
Designed for: Fire blankets are made of fiberglass and are designed to smother flames. They are most commonly used on fires involving cooking oils and fats that are commonly found in kitchens.
Sizes available: Fire blanket sizes available are: 1.0m x 1.0m, 1.2m x 1.2m, 1.8m x 1.2m and 1.8m x 1.8m.
Certification: All fire blankets supplied by Ausfire Protection are certified and approved to the Australian Standard AS3504.
How it works: A fire blanket works by cutting off the supply of oxygen to a fire. Wrapping something, which is burning in a fire blanket, smothers the flames. You should keep your fire blankets where they can be easily reached in the event of a fire.
After use: Fire blankets should be allowed to cool for at least 30 minutes and then discarded. They cannot be re-used.
Service interval: As per the Australian Standard AS1851, all fire blankets must be inspected and certified every 6 months.